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- #include "vogl.h"
- static int ntsegs, tsegs = 10, nusegs, usegs = 10,
- ntcurves = 10, nucurves = 10,
- ntiter = 1, nuiter = 1,
- makeprec_called = 0;
- static Matrix et, eu,
- ones = {
- {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0},
- {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0},
- {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0},
- {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}
- };
- void premulttensor(), multtensor(),
- copytensor(), copytensortrans(),
- extract(), iterate(), makeprec(),
- drpatch(), drcurve(), rpatch(),
- replace(), transformtensor();
- double addemup();
- /*
- * defbasis
- *
- * Specify a basis matrix for a patch or curve.
- */
- void
- defbasis(id, mat)
- short id;
- Matrix mat;
- {
- if(!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("defbasis: vogl not initialised");
- copymatrix(vdevice.bases[id], mat);
- }
- /*
- * patchbasis
- *
- * Specify the two basis matrices for a patch
- */
- void
- patchbasis(tb, ub)
- long tb, ub;
- {
- if(!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("patchbasis: vogl not initialised");
- copymatrix(vdevice.tbasis, vdevice.bases[tb]);
- copytranspose(vdevice.ubasis, vdevice.bases[ub]);
- }
- /*
- * patchcurves
- *
- * Specify the number of curves to be drawn in each direction
- * on a patch.
- */
- void
- patchcurves(nt, nu)
- long nt, nu;
- {
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("patchcurves: vogl not initialised");
- if(nt > 0 && nu > 0) {
- ntcurves = nt;
- nucurves = nu;
- } else
- verror("patchcurves: number of patch curves <= 0");
- /*
- * Set up the difference matrices
- */
- makeprec();
- }
- /*
- * patchprecision
- *
- * Specify the lower limit on the number of line segments used
- * to draw a curve as part of a patch. The actual number used varies
- * with the number of curve segments in the "other" direction.
- */
- void
- patchprecision(tseg, useg)
- long tseg, useg;
- {
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("patchprecision: vogl not initialised");
- if(tseg > 0 && useg > 0) {
- tsegs = tseg;
- usegs = useg;
- } else
- verror("patchprecision: number of segments <= 0");
- /*
- * Set up the difference matrices
- */
- makeprec();
- }
- /*
- * makeprec
- *
- * Makes up the two precision matrices for a patch
- */
- static void
- makeprec()
- {
- double n2, n3;
- /*
- * Find ntsegs, nusegs, ntiter, nuiter....
- * ie. the actual number of curve segments of a tcurve,
- * the actual number of curve segments of a ucurve,
- * and the number of times to iterate in each direction.
- */
- ntsegs = tsegs;
- ntiter = ntsegs / (nucurves - 1);
- if (ntsegs > ntiter * (nucurves - 1))
- ntsegs = (++ntiter) * (nucurves - 1);
- nusegs = usegs;
- nuiter = nusegs / (ntcurves - 1);
- if (nusegs > nuiter * (ntcurves - 1))
- nusegs = (++nuiter) * (ntcurves - 1);
- /*
- * Doing the t precision matrix.....
- */
- identmatrix(et);
- n2 = (double)(ntsegs * ntsegs);
- n3 = (double)(ntsegs * n2);
- et[0][0] = et[2][2] = et[3][3] = 0.0;
- et[1][0] = 1.0 / n3;
- et[1][1] = 1.0 / n2;
- et[2][0] = et[3][0] = 6.0 / n3;
- et[2][1] = 2.0 / n2;
- et[1][2] = 1.0 / (double)ntsegs;
- et[0][3] = 1.0;
- /*
- * Make the Transpose of eu
- */
- identmatrix(eu);
- n2 = (double)(nusegs * nusegs);
- n3 = (double)(nusegs * n2);
- eu[0][0] = eu[2][2] = eu[3][3] = 0.0;
- eu[0][1] = 1.0 / n3;
- eu[1][1] = 1.0 / n2;
- eu[0][2] = eu[0][3] = 6.0 / n3;
- eu[1][2] = 2.0 / n2;
- eu[2][1] = 1.0 / (double)nusegs;
- eu[3][0] = 1.0;
- makeprec_called = 1;
- }
- /*
- * patch
- *
- * Draws a bicubic patch. (ie. all the w coords a 1 and the
- * basis matrices don't change that)
- */
- void
- patch(geomx, geomy, geomz)
- Matrix geomx, geomy, geomz;
- {
- rpatch(geomx, geomy, geomz, ones);
- }
- /*
- * rpatch
- *
- * Draws rational bicubic patches.
- *
- * Reference: J. H. Clark, Parametric Curves, Surfaces and volumes in
- * computer graphics and computer aided Geometric Design.
- * Technical report No. 221, Nov 1981.
- * Computer Systems Lab. Dept's of Elecrical Eng. and Computer Science,
- * Standford University, Standford, California 94305.
- */
- void
- rpatch(geomx, geomy, geomz, geomw)
- Matrix geomx, geomy, geomz, geomw;
- {
- Tensor S, R;
- Matrix tmp, tmp2;
- double xlast, ylast, zlast;
- int i, j;
- Token *tok;
- if (!vdevice.initialised)
- verror("patch: vogl not initialised");
- /*
- * Form S = et . tbasis . Gtensor . ubasisT . euT
- */
- if (!makeprec_called)
- makeprec();
- mult4x4(tmp, et, vdevice.tbasis);
- mult4x4(tmp2, vdevice.ubasis, eu);
- /*
- * Load the geometry matrices into S.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
- S[0][i][j] = geomx[i][j];
- S[1][i][j] = geomy[i][j];
- S[2][i][j] = geomz[i][j];
- S[3][i][j] = geomw[i][j];
- }
- premulttensor(R, vdevice.tbasis, S);
- multtensor(S, vdevice.ubasis, R);
- /*
- * Find the last point on the curve.
- */
- xlast = addemup(S[0]);
- ylast = addemup(S[1]);
- zlast = addemup(S[2]);
- /*
- * Multiply the precision matrices in.
- */
- premulttensor(R, et, S);
- multtensor(S, eu, R);
- if (vdevice.inobject) {
- tok = newtokens(74);
- tok[0].i = RPATCH;
- tok[1].f = xlast;
- tok[2].f = ylast;
- tok[3].f = zlast;
- tok[4].i = ntcurves;
- tok[5].i = nucurves;
- tok[6].i = ntsegs;
- tok[7].i = nusegs;
- tok[8].i = ntiter;
- tok[9].i = nuiter;
- tok += 10;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
- (tok++)->f = S[0][i][j];
- (tok++)->f = S[1][i][j];
- (tok++)->f = S[2][i][j];
- (tok++)->f = S[3][i][j];
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Multiply by the current transformation....
- */
- transformtensor(S, vdevice.transmat->m);
- /*
- * Draw the patch....
- */
- drpatch(S, ntcurves, nucurves, ntsegs, nusegs, ntiter, nuiter);
- /*
- * Set the current (untransformed) world spot....
- */
- vdevice.cpW[V_X] = xlast;
- vdevice.cpW[V_Y] = ylast;
- vdevice.cpW[V_Z] = zlast;
- }
- /*
- * transformtensor
- *
- * Transform the tensor S by the matrix m
- */
- void
- transformtensor(S, m)
- Tensor S;
- Matrix m;
- {
- Matrix tmp, tmp2;
- register int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- extract(tmp, S, i);
- mult4x4(tmp2, tmp, m);
- replace(S, tmp2, i);
- }
- }
- /*
- * replace
- *
- * Does the reverse of extract.
- */
- static void
- replace(a, b, k)
- Tensor a;
- Matrix b;
- int k;
- {
- int i, j;
- /*
- * Not unwound because it only gets called once per patch.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- a[j][i][k] = b[i][j];
- }
- /*
- * drpatch
- *
- * Actually does the work of drawing a patch.
- */
- void
- drpatch(R, ntcurves, nucurves, ntsegs, nusegs, ntiter, nuiter)
- Tensor R;
- int ntcurves, nucurves, ntsegs, nusegs, ntiter, nuiter;
- {
- Tensor S;
- Matrix tmp;
- int i;
- /*
- * Copy R transposed into S
- */
- copytensortrans(S, R);
- for (i = 0; i < ntcurves; i++) {
- extract(tmp, R, 0);
- drcurve(ntsegs, tmp);
- iterate(R, nuiter);
- }
- /*
- * Now using S...
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nucurves; i++) {
- extract(tmp, S, 0);
- drcurve(nusegs, tmp);
- iterate(S, ntiter);
- }
- }
- /*
- * iterate
- *
- * Iterates the forward difference tensor R
- */
- static void
- iterate(R, n)
- register Tensor R;
- int n;
- {
- register int it;
- /*
- * Anyone for an unwound loop or two???
- *
- * for (it = 0; it < n; it++) {
- * for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- * for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- * for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
- * R[i][j][k] += R[i][j][k+1];
- * }
- */
- for (it = 0; it < n; it++) {
- R[0][0][0] += R[0][0][1];
- R[0][0][1] += R[0][0][2];
- R[0][0][2] += R[0][0][3];
- R[0][1][0] += R[0][1][1];
- R[0][1][1] += R[0][1][2];
- R[0][1][2] += R[0][1][3];
- R[0][2][0] += R[0][2][1];
- R[0][2][1] += R[0][2][2];
- R[0][2][2] += R[0][2][3];
- R[0][3][0] += R[0][3][1];
- R[0][3][1] += R[0][3][2];
- R[0][3][2] += R[0][3][3];
- R[1][0][0] += R[1][0][1];
- R[1][0][1] += R[1][0][2];
- R[1][0][2] += R[1][0][3];
- R[1][1][0] += R[1][1][1];
- R[1][1][1] += R[1][1][2];
- R[1][1][2] += R[1][1][3];
- R[1][2][0] += R[1][2][1];
- R[1][2][1] += R[1][2][2];
- R[1][2][2] += R[1][2][3];
- R[1][3][0] += R[1][3][1];
- R[1][3][1] += R[1][3][2];
- R[1][3][2] += R[1][3][3];
- R[2][0][0] += R[2][0][1];
- R[2][0][1] += R[2][0][2];
- R[2][0][2] += R[2][0][3];
- R[2][1][0] += R[2][1][1];
- R[2][1][1] += R[2][1][2];
- R[2][1][2] += R[2][1][3];
- R[2][2][0] += R[2][2][1];
- R[2][2][1] += R[2][2][2];
- R[2][2][2] += R[2][2][3];
- R[2][3][0] += R[2][3][1];
- R[2][3][1] += R[2][3][2];
- R[2][3][2] += R[2][3][3];
- R[3][0][0] += R[3][0][1];
- R[3][0][1] += R[3][0][2];
- R[3][0][2] += R[3][0][3];
- R[3][1][0] += R[3][1][1];
- R[3][1][1] += R[3][1][2];
- R[3][1][2] += R[3][1][3];
- R[3][2][0] += R[3][2][1];
- R[3][2][1] += R[3][2][2];
- R[3][2][2] += R[3][2][3];
- R[3][3][0] += R[3][3][1];
- R[3][3][1] += R[3][3][2];
- R[3][3][2] += R[3][3][3];
- }
- }
- /*
- * Extract the k'th column of the tensor a into the matrix b.
- */
- static void
- extract(b, a, k)
- register Tensor a;
- register Matrix b;
- register int k;
- {
- b[0][0] = a[0][0][k];
- b[0][1] = a[1][0][k];
- b[0][2] = a[2][0][k];
- b[0][3] = a[3][0][k];
- b[1][0] = a[0][1][k];
- b[1][1] = a[1][1][k];
- b[1][2] = a[2][1][k];
- b[1][3] = a[3][1][k];
- b[2][0] = a[0][2][k];
- b[2][1] = a[1][2][k];
- b[2][2] = a[2][2][k];
- b[2][3] = a[3][2][k];
- b[3][0] = a[0][3][k];
- b[3][1] = a[1][3][k];
- b[3][2] = a[2][3][k];
- b[3][3] = a[3][3][k];
- }
- static double
- addemup(m)
- Matrix m;
- {
- return (m[0][0] + m[0][1] + m[0][2] + m[0][3] +
- m[1][0] + m[1][1] + m[1][2] + m[1][3] +
- m[2][0] + m[2][1] + m[2][2] + m[2][3] +
- m[3][0] + m[3][1] + m[3][2] + m[3][3]);
- }